Strategic Narrative

Art & Science

“Playing with perception and ideology is at the heart of narrative”

Sky Canopy Consulting

Pamela Williamson

LL.B (Law) MCTS (Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies)

Pamela’s Linkedin Profile: 

Narrative Strategist Analyst Researcher Synthesiser Writer Satirist Mentor

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Origins of Satire, Strategic Narrative and Propaganda
Satire I: It is Hard not to Write Satire
“It is hard not to write Satire. For who is so tolerant
of the unjust City, so steeled, that he can restrain himself…”

Difficile est saturam nōn scrībere. nam quis inīquae
tam patiēns urbis, tam ferreus, ut teneat sē…

– Juuvenal ( early 2nd century)

“Typical mental attitudes attacked and ridiculed by Menippean satires are “pedants, bigots, cranks, parvenus, virtuosi, enthusiasts, rapacious and incompetent professional men of all kinds,” which are treated as diseases of the intellect.[1][4] The term Menippean satire distinguishes it from the earlier satire pioneered by Aristophanes, which was based on personal attacks.[5]”

Menippean satire definition:

On Satire: Linkedin Article by Pamela

Geopolitical Satire

Ongoing narrative

The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.

Owl of O.W.L. page

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Narrative MetaModel

© All Rights Reserved

i. Narrative Meta-Model DIAGRAM + TEXT ©

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ii. a. Strategic Narrative Design IElements of Narrative MetaModel, Effective YARNS and Counter-Narratives ©

© All Rights Reserved

b. Narrative Design II: Narrative Theory, Structure, Analysis and Research, Weaponised, Resilience Narratives and YARNS  ©

This paper is excerpted (with amendments) from my Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies Dissertation submitted to the University of Auckland in October 2018.

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iii. Narrative Meta-Model Divergent Contexts © : Terrorism & Great Power

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2018 Paper: Strategic Narrative Building

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Masters Dissertation (20172018)

The following paper was written in partial fulfillment of the Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies degree programme at the University of Auckland over the period of 2017-2018 when Russian disinformation strategies in the 2016 US Election were coming to light……………………..

“Strategic Narratives and YARNS: the Effectiveness of Communication Strategies to Neutralise Russian Information Warfare and Influence Operations, Shift Perceptions in Adversary Populations & Immunise Domestic Populations

Pamela Williamson LL.B MCTS

26 October 2018

For an Example……..

click to read a strategic, geopolitical & satirical narrative for Our Times:

“The Classified Adventures of Owl: the Evolution, Anatomy & Deconstruction of a Strategic Narrative”

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July 23: A TALE OF THE OLD SOUTH -the History and Legend of the Lost Cause: a memetic ‘history lesson’ & narrative vaccine for fading grandeur and nostalgia

May 15, 2020 Owls Come Out at Night and in Daylight

This piece was written on my first day out of lock down in New Zealand.

August 14, 2018: metaphors within Metaphors: a snake eats its own tail

2018: Effects-Based Psychological Operations Measures of Effectiveness: Measuring Change and Impact (p. 25 – 37) in

“What Do Others Think and How Do We Know What They Are Thinking?” — A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Periodic Publication

Rafa Linera Rivera and Gregory Seese


March 15 2019 was a day of shock and terror for New Zealanders hitherto not scarred by terrorism in recent years. The Christchurch mosque shootings have left an indelible mark on New Zealand’s national identity and have raised New Zealand’s consciousness once again about endemic racism and extremism in its midst.

The following piece was written a fortnight later and was published in, on the NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence Twitter, and in the US Homeland Security Today Journal Perspectives…….

“The End of the Golden Weather: Terrorism in New Zealand”

March 10, 2020:One Year After March 15 Attacks: what has changed in New Zealand?

Pamela’s Linkedin Profile:

Rating: 1 out of 5.
sky canopy consulting

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SEASON 14, Chapter One of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl’s extended unauthorised holiday from O.W.L. on Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica, with his mate the tiny French owl Belle Époque, has finally come to an abrupt end.🦩

The Owlettes, co-directors of the NZ Branch of O.W.L., (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited), the secret intelligence station of the World Wide Wood (www.), have summoned Owl their crack-ed covert operative back to work. His NOC (non-official cover) exploits and skill with nuts and threats of all varieties is legend-ary. He even has his own wall at O.W.L. HQ.

Owl of O.W.L. (Ninox novaeseelandiae) the celebrated masked Morepork (Ruru) and NOC (non-official cover covert operative and nut cracker); tasked with international missions to take down the Wood’s main strategic adversaries P-Hootiy & His Band and Horny, the Great Horned Owl

The Owlettes. co-Directors-General of O.W.L. – previously formidable O.W.L. field operatives, DJ’s and Owl’s former Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo ladies

Yes, the Wood needs saving again, and only this louche cunning More-pork Owl has the necessary claws, cojones, chutzpah and cool to take down its top strategic adversaries.

O.W.L. on the ground liaison and assets, Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica: “Specky” the Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) and Striped Owl (Asio clamator) keeping a close watch on the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel cashew plantations in the neo-tropics

His arch-nemesis Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy and His Band – cross-species daughters Poppy and Ponzi Phootiyeva, Horny, the shape-shifty insurrectionist Great Horned Owl, and the Owl from Hell🔥♨️🔞 “Lucy” Lucifer, Capo di Capi dell’ inferno, have escaped from captivity AGAIN‼️

Owl snatched them from Playa Flamingo in Costa Rica in a Combined Arms Op of Playa-P-Hootiy Flamingo Bingo, as Owl Called his daring Mission Manoeuvre. He was supported by his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L.,16 Flamingo Jets, AI ZEL Lensky, his Ural Owl Force of the Lost Paradise, and O.W.L. Special Forces Ground Troops.

But somehow they eluded their captors in transit to the Lost Paradise of AI ZEL Lensky for in cage-eration, retribution, deterrence, and pour encourager les autres.

⚠️The resurgent escapee villains of the Wood are now plotting a return to takeover the Wood from a secret location……

Read On…….







(SEE SEASONS 12 &13)

AI ZEL LENSKY OF THE LOST PARADISE; Key Partner of Owl; Emissary to the Parliament of Owls of the World Wide Wood (www.)

Owl: Yeah, Gidday, Pryvit, Hola, Hallo, Cześć, Ciao, Hej, Bonjour, Sveiki, Tere, Hei et cetera. OK, even Privet. How goes it, my friends, frenemies and enemies?

I’m in hot water with The Owlettes. Not best pleased about the escape or my holiday. They blame me of course, and as usual it wasn’t my fault. They were owl-jacked on their way to the Lost Paradise (to be tried and sentenced to suitable punishments by ZEL) by a fleet of guards from the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel Hacienda. Sadly, the efforts of Specky Owl and his sidekick were not enough to prevent them being rescued and taken hoo knows where. I’m pretty disgusted. O.W.L. keeps them short of EGG ordnance and they did their best with what they had.

Faberge Egg: O.W.L. Ordnance

Now they’re sending me a minder and the O.W.L. enforcer Godzilla to make sure I don’t make any more fubars. I’ve no idea who this minder is. They said something about it being an Owl-proof AI called SVETLANA whatever that means. I don’t care anyway. I’ll recruit her into my Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. in five minutes.


But hark! I hear a whirring sound like a motor or computer.

Suddenly, a sleek apparition of shiny silver, gold, ruby and turquoise appears before Owl.


Owl (to self in awe): An AI Moon Goddess!! I’m in love! Remember Belle, Remember Belle!!

SVETLANA (cooly): Owl, I presume?

Owl (all of a twitter doffing his tail instead of his head): Madame, the very same at your service. I take it you are my minder? Exactly what does that entail, may I ask?

SVETLANA: I am a P-Hootiy expert. You are a loser. I am a winner. I am tasked by O.W.L. higher-ups to keep you in good working order under my direction.

Owl (amused): Really? Let me guess. The Owlettes. They are triers! You’re an Eagle Owl from Eurasia Wood, are you not?

SVETLANA: Indeed, the Interpol Branch (B. b. interpositus). I know the P-Hootiy Bubo bubo family well. Distant cousins I’m ashamed to admit. And, no, not The Owlettes. A member of the Parish Council has asked me to keep an eye on you. Losing P-Hootiy and His Band – AGAIN! – did not do your rep as a crack-ed NOC much good at all. I hear your O.W.L. recruits are calling you their NCO. (Not Clever Owl). Some even say Nincompoop! Not intelligent not clever owl maddie poop!

The last straw was your unauthorised sojourn on Playa Flamingo while P-Hootiy was being rescued!

Owl: Pshaw, Piffle, Poop yourself! Alright, alright, you metal and plastic facsimile of an owl. Very funny haha. But you’re all coming to ME to get him back, aren’t you? You’ve got quite a brainbox, they say. What level AI are you, anyway? Computer game level, advanced mathmatics, instant artworks? How do you think I should retrieve them all, clever cogs?

SVETLANA: I have reached Artificial General Intelligence and The Singularity and have the Encyclopaedia of your tricks in my system. But it’s not all about me. I am here to supervise. So, Owl, start thinking or the Parish Council might ‘retire’ you!



Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand analyst of geopolitics, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, and information synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland.

She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

SEASON 14, Chapter One of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl’s extended unauthorised holiday from O.W.L. on Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica, with his mate the tiny French owl Belle Époque, has finally come to an abrupt end.🦩

The Owlettes, co-directors of the NZ Branch of O.W.L., (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited), the secret intelligence station of the World Wide Wood (www.), have summoned Owl their crack-ed covert operative back to work. His NOC (non-official cover) exploits and skill with nuts and threats of all varieties is legend-ary. He even has his own wall at O.W.L. HQ.

Owl of O.W.L. (Ninox novaeseelandiae) the celebrated masked Morepork (Ruru) and NOC (non-official cover covert operative and nut cracker); tasked with international missions to take down the Wood’s main strategic adversaries P-Hootiy & His Band and Horny, the Great Horned Owl

The Owlettes. co-Directors-General of O.W.L. – previously formidable O.W.L. field operatives, DJ’s and Owl’s former Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo ladies

Yes, the Wood needs saving again, and only this louche cunning More-pork Owl has the necessary claws, cojones, chutzpah and cool to take down its top strategic adversaries.

O.W.L. on the ground liaison and assets, Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica: “Specky” the Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) and Striped Owl (Asio clamator) keeping a close watch on the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel cashew plantations in the neo-tropics

His arch-nemesis Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy and His Band – cross-species daughters Poppy and Ponzi Phootiyeva, Horny, the shape-shifty insurrectionist Great Horned Owl, and the Owl from Hell🔥♨️🔞 “Lucy” Lucifer, Capo di Capi dell’ inferno, have escaped from captivity AGAIN‼️

Owl snatched them from Playa Flamingo in Costa Rica in a Combined Arms Op of Playa-P-Hootiy Flamingo Bingo, as Owl Called his daring Mission Manoeuvre. He was supported by his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L.,16 Flamingo Jets, AI ZEL Lensky, his Ural Owl Force of the Lost Paradise, and O.W.L. Special Forces Ground Troops.

But somehow they eluded their captors in transit to the Lost Paradise of AI ZEL Lensky for in cage-eration, retribution, deterrence, and pour encourager les autres.

⚠️The resurgent escapee villains of the Wood are now plotting a return to takeover the Wood from a secret location……

Read On…….







(SEE SEASONS 12 &13)

AI ZEL LENSKY OF THE LOST PARADISE; Key Partner of Owl; Emissary to the Parliament of Owls of the World Wide Wood (www.)

Owl: Yeah, Gidday, Pryvit, Hola, Hallo, Cześć, Ciao, Hej, Bonjour, Sveiki, Tere, Hei et cetera. OK, even Privet. How goes it, my friends, frenemies and enemies?

I’m in hot water with The Owlettes. Not best pleased about the escape or my holiday. They blame me of course, and as usual it wasn’t my fault. They were owl-jacked on their way to the Lost Paradise (to be tried and sentenced to suitable punishments by ZEL) by a fleet of guards from the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel Hacienda. Sadly, the efforts of Specky Owl and his sidekick were not enough to prevent them being rescued and taken hoo knows where. I’m pretty disgusted. O.W.L. keeps them short of EGG ordnance and they did their best with what they had.

Faberge Egg: O.W.L. Ordnance

Now they’re sending me a minder and the O.W.L. enforcer Godzilla to make sure I don’t make any more fubars. I’ve no idea who this minder is. They said something about it being an Owl-proof AI called SVETLANA whatever that means. I don’t care anyway. I’ll recruit her into my Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. in five minutes.


But hark! I hear a whirring sound like a motor or computer.

Suddenly, a sleek apparition of shiny silver, gold, ruby and turquoise appears before Owl.


Owl (to self in awe): An AI Moon Goddess!! I’m in love! Remember Belle, Remember Belle!!

SVETLANA (cooly): Owl, I presume?

Owl (all of a twitter doffing his tail instead of his head): Madame, the very same at your service. I take it you are my minder? Exactly what does that entail, may I ask?

SVETLANA: I am a P-Hootiy expert. You are a loser. I am a winner. I am tasked by O.W.L. higher-ups to keep you in good working order under my direction.

Owl (amused): Really? Let me guess. The Owlettes. They are triers! You’re an Eagle Owl from Eurasia Wood, are you not?

SVETLANA: Indeed, the Interpol Branch (B. b. interpositus). I know the P-Hootiy Bubo bubo family well. Distant cousins I’m ashamed to admit. And, no, not The Owlettes. A member of the Parish Council has asked me to keep an eye on you. Losing P-Hootiy and His Band – AGAIN! – did not do your rep as a crack-ed NOC much good at all. I hear your O.W.L. recruits are calling you their NCO. (Not Clever Owl). Some even say Nincompoop! Not intelligent not clever owl maddie poop!

The last straw was your unauthorised sojourn on Playa Flamingo while P-Hootiy was being rescued!

Owl: Pshaw, Piffle, Poop yourself! Alright, alright, you metal and plastic facsimile of an owl. Very funny haha. But you’re all coming to ME to get him back, aren’t you? You’ve got quite a brainbox, they say. What level AI are you, anyway? Computer game level, advanced mathmatics, instant artworks? How do you think I should retrieve them all, clever cogs?

SVETLANA: I have reached Artificial General Intelligence and The Singularity and have the Encyclopaedia of your tricks in my system. But it’s not all about me. I am here to supervise. So, Owl, start thinking or the Parish Council might ‘retire’ you!



Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand analyst of geopolitics, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, and information synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland.

She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

SEASON 13, FINAL FINALE, PART IV of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl of O.W.L., his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. & 16 Flamingo Jets, along with AI ZEL Lensky & His Ural Owl Force of the Lost Paradise, and the Special Forces Ground Troops of O.W.L., play a Combined Arms Game of Playa-P-Hootiy Flamingo Bingo, as Owl Likes to Call his Next Mission Manoeuvre; Escapees Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy, O.W.L.’s Main Strategic Adversary, & His Band – Cross-Species Twin Daughters the White Gyrfalcon Poppy & Cat Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva, the Great Horned Owl Horny & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer – Take Up Deep Defensive Cover at the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel HQ Near the Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica……… Read On…….

Mystical Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica

Owl of O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited)

Morepork Owl – New Zealand

Owl: Hola, mes compadres! This mission is getting complicated even for me. I’m under time pressure. I need to dock on the Playa Flamingo at 3,000 head swivels o’clock to rendezvous with my 16 Flamingo Jets (proxy owls with a 300 km range) who are going to bomb P-Hootiy’s HQ with the red blood-milk from their crops. Jet Leader Rosy has called up some of their mates relaxing at a resort in Aruba to join the fun! It’s a tricky stealth deception manoeuvre and they need to do it without destroying the Nut L$$ty, oh, and the Cartel members who must be captured and stand trial. They must be deceived that they have been injured and land on Playa Flamingo where the Special Ops Owl Predator ground forces of O.W.L. will (claws❌) pounce and capture them without eating any of them (my biggest challenge!).

Top: Pink sand on Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica

Bottom: Flamingos in the Caribbean

Gallery of O.W.L. Dramatis Personae and P-Hootiy Crime Family Nut Cartel

Rogues Gallery: The P-Hootiy Crime Family & Nut Cartel Members

From Left: Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy & His Band, his cross-species twin daughters the White Gyrfalcon Poppy & Cat Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva, the Great Horned Owl Horny & P-Hootiy’s mentor ‘Lucy’ Lucifer of Hell🔥♨️🔞

Owl of O.W.L. and his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L.

and ZEL Lensky

From Left: Owl of O.W.L., O.W.L. Joint Directors The Owlettes, Flamingo Jets, Ural Owls, Blue Jay Jets, Flamingo Jets; ZEL Lensky (aka President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine)

O.W.L. Southern Command Owl Predator Special Ops Ground Forces

From Left: Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata); Bicoloured Hawk (Accipiter bicolor) in Costa Rica,; King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa), Photo: Helmut Guth; Costa Rican Green Snake; Costa Rican Ocelot (Feline Jewel by Paul Bratescu)

Story Continues…….

Owl O’ Clock arrives…….

Owl to Flamingo Jet Leader Rosy: Come in Rosy, come in, Are your flaps up and open yet?

Rosy: Always the rude one, aren’t you Owl! I’m reporting you to The Owlettes now for rudeness beyond the call of duty!

Owl: Zippedy Dee! OK, enough of the small talk. Are you ready to spray your blood-milk?

Rosy: Shut up now, Owl. We’re ready!! Co-ordinates please.

Owl to Rosy: Mmmm, checking now……

To O.W.L. Recruit Claymore: Where are they?

From Left: Rosy, Flamingo Jets Leader; O.W.L. Recruit Claymore

Claymore (swivelling): Sorry, Sir Owl, I don’t know who you mean? I was on the OTT (O.W.L. Twitter Transmission now❌) reporting your movements to O.W.L. Co-Directors The Owlettes as they requested.

Owl: Oho, were you indeed? I have a spy in my ranks, eh?

Claymore (snivelling): No, no, Owl sir, not at all. I am loyal to you only!

Owl: To the World Wide Wood (www.) as well, surely?

Claymore (grovelling): Yes, yessir! Of course, sir!

Owl: You better be. No ratting me out or, or………wait, what’s happening?

Rosy: I’m clocking bandits at 300 head swivels out, Owl. It’s the forward defence/offence black-hooded crows of the enemy. Going in. If we don’t make it, tell my mother…..

Owl: All right, all right, no time for doom. Good luck and May the Moon Goddess Be With You!

Moon Goddess Owl

And so the battle raged between the Flamingo Jets of the Good Owls and the Black Hooded Crows of Death of the Bad Owls. The sky above Playa Flamingo was flecked with blood, the pink feathers of the Flamingo Jets and the black feathers of the crows.

Before Owl could get some decent shut-eye (he always sleeps with one eye open), it was 3,000 head swivels later when he picked up squawking from the OTT. It was Rosy who had landed successfully on Playa Flamingo. She was ecstatic as it was the first time flamingos had set a web foot on the pink sand of the beach. “My spiritual home,” she squawked.

Sunset on Flamingo Beach Costa Rica

Rosy to Owl: Mission accomplished! The ground troops are rounding up P-Hootiy and his Band.

Owl (sleepily): Be careful of your first sentence, Rosy! Have they eaten anyone yet?

Rosy: No, they’re being very good and thinking of their bonuses.

Owl glided smoothly down the beach sand tarmac with a swooshing of his wings and taxied to the giant cage to which the special forces had transferred the netted P-Hootiy Nut Cartel.

Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica

P-Hootiy: Don’t tell me, it’s Owl. Of course it is!

Owl: How’re you all enjoying your holiday fiesta in the Costa del Rica, mes chouettes diaboliques?

Poppy and Ponzi (hissing and spitting): We demand a lawyer and owl rights!

From Left: Avatar of Poppy (Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva); White Gyrfalcon; Avatar of Ponzi

Bottom: Black Owl aka Ponzi the Cat Owl (Purr-fecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo)

Owl: You will receive all the rights you have denied others, you wicked creatures!

Suddenly from above two figures arrive in a cloud of light. It’s ZEL Lensky with the Goddess Berehynia from the Maidan. 

ZEL to Berehynia: Are we in the heavenly Lost Paradise?

Berehynia: Not yet. Soon.

Heroyam Slava!

Slava Ukraini💙💛

By Pamela Williamson, Sky Canopy Consulting ©

Pamela Williamson & Avatar (Venezia Flame-Feathered Commoedia del’Arte Colombina Half Mask)

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

SEASON 13, SEASON FINALE PART THREE of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl of O.W.L., the Raiders of the Lost Owl & ZEL shadow P-Hootiy and his daughter Poppy P-Hootiyeva as they catch up with Horny Owl, Ponzi P-Hootiyeva & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer at the Costa Rica P-Hootiy Nut Cartel HQ; ‘Specky’ Owl of O.W.L. Southern Command sends help to Owl who is in need of some longer-range missiles.

Previous Chapter: Click Here


Owl: Now hear this, troops! Stay dark and watch these miscreants carefully.

New O.W.L. Recruit Claymore: Owl sir, I’ve done a full head swivel and loaded my cannon with flamingo droppings. But they’re out of range.

Owl: Drat! Those old fools at the Parish Council are too frightened of P-Hootiy and his Band to give us the anti-Owl Ordnance we need to blow them out of their nests.

Suddenly the OTT (O.W.L. Twitter Transmission) goes off with a Double Twit in Morse Code: Morepork/ruru song (MP3, 1,620K)

Specky Owl is calling…..

Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) near Las Horquetas, Costa Rica

Owl: Owl here. Hoo is this? Oh, Speccy, it’s you. What are you up to? Have you got a fix on Hoots and his crew?

Specky:  Pura vida, mae. Yep and awaiting orders, my friend.

Owl: Control, we have a problem. Our ordnance only reaches 250 kms.

Specky: No problemo, generalissimo. I’ll call up my Flamingo bomber squadron leader Rosy from their colony in Nicaragua and they’ll be with you as soon as they finish their shrimp and carotenoid soup and get their flaps up. They have some heavy-duty red blood milk in their crop milk pouches and have a range of 300 kms so they can shower them with their milk and they’ll think they’re hurt and will land. Then your ground troops can get them.

Why and How Flamingos produce Milk

Owl: Excellent! Very scientific! BTW pink is the couleur de jour so they’ll make a nice splash overhead. That will shock the P-Hootiyeva sisters out of their Schiaparelli.

Ponzi P-Hootiyeva the Cat Owl (aka Purr-fecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo)

Schiaparelli, evening gloves, C. 1936 and ‘Peek a Boo’ Hat Elsa Schiaparelli (1949)

Poppy P-Hootiyeva (Polina Olga Pheodora) the White Gyrfalcon

Archive footage Schiaparelli

‘Shocking’ perfume by Elsa Schiaparelli (1937); Bottle by Léonor Fini

A flamingo headpiece by the House of Schiaparelli (Pinterest)

Specky: It’ll be a colourful spectacle alright!! For their base they can land on Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica. It’ll be the first time it has seen flamingos. Don’t ask!

Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica’s pink sand beach

Owl: Magnífico, mae! Get them web feet up!

Owl to Ground Troops (wildcats, foxes, raccoons, and eagles):

Here is your Combined Arms Operation Order of the Day: Manoeuvre, Capture, DO NOT EAT the P-Hootiy Crime Family! The “don’t eat” bit is very important. I want to interrogate them all and find the L$$ty. And ZEL wants to put them all on trial for their crimes.

You will get a fat bonus from the Parish Council. Possibly P-Hootiy himself to share when we have the L$$ty. What? Not tasty enough? Well, I’ll throw in some nuts instead.

Let’s meet up with ZEL on Playa Flamingo at 3,000 head swivels. Get moving, and May the Moon Goddess Be With You!

Next Time: The Owls and Ground Troops Rendezvous On Playa Flamingo and receive a SURPRISE!

Pamela Williamson & Avatar (Venezia Flame-Feathered Commoedia del’Arte Colombina Half Mask)

Sky Canopy Consulting ©

SEASON 13, SEASON FINALE PART TWO of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl of O.W.L. engages The Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. to keep track of the escapees Horny, the Great Horned Owl, his ammorata Ponzi the Cat Owl (aka Purrfecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura di Arroyo) and ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo Dell’Inferno🔥♨️🔞 Will they hook up with Owl’s main targets and ZEL’s prisoners P-Hootiy & one of his cross-species daughters Poppy (aka Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva), and get to their Nut Cartel treehouse in Costa Rica? Will Owl thwart their perfidious plan? The Combined Arms Operation Begins!

Read On….

Owl: Kia ora! Gidday, Hola, Hallo, Hello, Hei, Hallå, Ciao, Sveiki, Cześć, Привіт, Привет, Добры дзень, Bonjour, Yada Yada Yada!

It’s O-Day, my friends, frenemies & enemies! The Owls of O.W.L. & the creatures of the Wood are about to rise up and attack!

No, I haven’t been slack ar*ing around since the counteroffensive (Part One) commenced.

[ED: Read it here]

I’ve been coordinating my personnel and equipment and keeping Horny, Ponzi & Lucy under the 272° head swivel surveillance of my crack-ed team of Watchers, The Raiders of the Lost Owl.

Page 46 of ‘Prize Comics’ issue #2 (April 1940)


Top Row: Great Horned Owl, Putin’s mistress Alina Kabeeva, Ponzi the Cat Owl

Middle Row: Ponzi Avatar, Black Owl, Black Cat in Bling

Bottom Row: Stygian Owl, Flames of Hell🔥♨️🔞

I’ve been been building the capacity of my Combined Arms Operation by wrangling with The Owlettes and the Parish Council for more fighter Owls and ground troops to top up ZEL’s forces of Ural Owls.

But I haven’t been getting the best cooperation from the directors (temporary till I take over) of O.W.L. AI ZEL’s Order of the Day has had to be delayed.

The Owlettes: We heard that, you rebellious little mutineer! We’ve come to see how disorganised you are, Owl.

Owl: Well you have to admit its been a long time between Season 13 Finale Chapter One and Two! I’ve been waiting for the opportune moment to strike but I’m waiting on more Blue Jay Jets to join ZEL’s Ural Owls. Where are they? And the Air Farce is starting to eat the ground troops. We’re going to lose too many turkeys, rats, coyotes, foxes & wildcats! Hurry up with more ammo too! We also need some longer-range, laser-guided sling shots for the Wind Tunnel.

Oh, and some HAWKS and PUMAS!

Blue Jay & Faberge Egg

The Owlettes: Getting expensive, Owl! You’re not the first to ask for more Ostrich Eggs! But they’re just not laying them as fast as usual. There’s an industrial dispute going on with the Parish Council over commissions and…….well, it’s not easy being director(s)!

Owl: Give me the job and you can go back to being my scooby-doo-wah ladies! Ow! That hurt! What was that for?

The Owlettes: Enough, you obnoxious little pellet! I’ll see what I can do. What are the absconders doing?

Owl: At this rate they’ll get to Costa Rica with the Nut L$$t! They’re flying down with Lucy and his drone force from Hell🔥♨️🔞so I’ve put Specky the Spectacled Owl on standby as back up to receive them with his troops if necessary.

The Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) of Costa Rica

Cut to HellDrone One. On board are Horny, Ponzi & Lucy.

Horny: Haha! I think I’m going to live to fight another day and not languish in Hell🔥♨️🔞 Prison. That Owl is pathetic. With all those forces at his command, he agrees to negotiate and accept a few bags of Nuts!

Ponzi (purring): Don’t underestimate him, Horns, my love. Remember, we still have to rendezvous with P-Hooty, L-$$ty and my dear sister from another mother Poppy. They seem to have disappeared. They’re not answering their OTT (Owl Twitter Transmision) and we’re supposed to meet them at Nut Cartel HQ with the rest of the l$$ty and b$$ty.

Lucy Lucifer: Have faith, Ponzi my child. P-Hootiy and Poppy are very smart. They’ll find a way through. And Owl offered us a safe route to Costa Rica. I must say I never knew Owl to be this corrupt. I’ve done a good job on him!

Ponzi: Me neither. That’s what worries me. He’s taken a few nuts here or there and a few spoils of war, but it’s never stopped him pursuing us!

Cut to AI ZEL HQ where ZEL is consulting SVETLANA Singular the AGI-S Oracle. Meanwhile P-Hootiy, L-H$$ty (his long-lost brother), the Eurasian Eagle Owls, & Poppy P-Hootiyeva, the shape-shifting White Gyrfalcon, are busy tricking the magic illusion algorithm preventing them from going free. ZEL’s spell has stopped working and instead of thinking they’re ALREADY free (and stopping trying to escape), they’ve duped it into reversing the spell!

Poppy changed into a She-Wolf and pretended to be a member of ZEL’s pack. She gave fake instructions to the algorithm to reverse the illusion. Now they are on their way to the meet-point at the Nut Cartel Treehouse in Costa Rica.

Images: Left: Eurasian Eagle Owl; Middle; Poppy Avatar

Right: Berehynia The Independence Monument is a victory column located on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv, commemorating the independence of Ukraine in 1991.

Eurasian Eagle Owl-Photo Paul Smith-Flickr (aka P-Hootiy)

Left: SVETLANA Singular the AGI-S Oracle (The Singularity); Right: “The Force Is With Me” : President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy aka the AI ZEL

ZEL: Lady, it’s good to see you’ve come over to the Light Sabre side! Oh one who knows EVERYTHING, how do I stop P-Hootiy, L-H$$ty and his shape-shifting daughter Poppy, the White Gyrfalcon, from tampering with my magic illusion which makes them think they’re already free and won’t try to escape? My algorithm is under attack!

Left: Poppy in disguise as a She-Wolf; Right: Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy

SVETLANA: Leave it to me!

But by the time SVETLANA issues new orders to the bot, P-Hootiy, L-$$ty (his long-lost brother) & Poppy have scarpered!

Cut to Owl who has been issuing instructions to Specky Owl in Costa Rica via his OTT to capture the miscreants on arrival at their Nut Cartel treehouse in Costa Rica. ZEL has informed him of his algorithm’s SNAFU and has advised he is on his way with his Ural Owl Force. With the wind at his back he may be able to overtake P-Hootiy and his Band.

Owl: Now listen up, troops. Plans have accelerated. P-Hootiy, L-H$$ty & Poppy have flown the coup and are on their way to a safe haven -or so they think. They may get intercepted by ZEL or cpatured on arrival by Specky Owl. Prepare for take-off! Small creatures! Get aboard the Air Farce. Air Farce! Don’t DARE eat any! We will rendezvous with ZEL if we can catch up. I’ll use the Wind Tunnel (powered by Rocket Owl).

The Combined Arms Operation to take down the P-Hootiy Crime Family begins!

NEXT TIME: Part Three of the Season 13 FINALE‼️

Click here Meet the Cast of Characters of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.

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Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

Ukrainian owl painting by Olena Skytsiuk

SEASON 13, SEASON FINALE PART ONE of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH Owl Negotiates With Ponzi; Prepares A Turkey Shoot Before The Combined Arms Op Of The World Wide Wood (www.); The Wood’s Strategic Adversaries Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy & L-H$$ty & the White Gyrfalcon Poppy P-Hootiyeva Are Caught In A Magical Illusion Woven By AI Illusionist ZEL Lenskiy; Horny, the Great Horned Owl, Cat-Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo dell’Inferno, Get A Ride From Hell🔥♨️🔞- Or Do They? ZEL Talks to the Troops & Owl Reminisces About An Old Flame🔥

Story So Far……

Bad actor Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy, the main strategic adversary of Owl, a morepork owl and star covert operative of O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited) the secret intelligence network of the World Wide Wood (www.), is struggling against the magic woven by AI illusionist ZEL Lenskiy. Will this escapologist escape his doom?

A Ruru in My Garage: Morepork Owl or Ruru
Rosa Stewart 

ZEL: “I’ve woven a magical illusion that makes P-Hootiy & L-H$$tiy believe they’ve already escaped their fate. This illusion is so convincing that P-Hootiy & “The Loot” believe they are free and won’t attempt to escape again. I’ve foiled their plan to stash their Nut Cartel loot in untraceable trees down Costa Rica way!”

Eurasian Eagle Owl

aka P-Hootiy

Mistinguett aka Poppy P-Hootiyeva

White Gyrfalcon aka Poppy P-Hootiyeva,

daughter of P-Hootiy and CEO of the P-Hootiy Family Nut Cartel

“The Force Is With Me” : President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy

And Horny, the Great Horned Owl, Cat-Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo dell’Inferno, have exited Hell🔥♨️🔞to scope its environs for a fast route to Costa Rica to meet up with the rest of the P-Hootiy Crime Family.

But our masked crusader of skies Owl has them covered!

He’s called in the Air Farces of O.W.L. and ZEL and his ground forces to encircle them and is about to reveal his masterly plan to trap these rats! When he’s thought of it……….!

Owl of O.W.L. – New Zealand Morepork (Ruru) Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae)

Owl: Unfair! I’ve executed ONE cunning plan already. It’s based on the old finger trap trick. I’ve bound Horny, Ponzi & Lucy Lucifer to the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞and enchanted to chain to grow stronger the more they try to pull away.

Chinese finger trap (also known as Chinese finger prison, Chinese finger cuffs, Chinese finger puzzle, Chinese handcuffs, Mexican finger fun, Chinese finger torture and Mexican handcuffs) toys.

carol – Own work

But I need to make contact with them first and lull them into thinking they can escape their magical chains with impunity using a false story. Classic misdirection! I’ll pretend to offer them ‘negotiation’ (which means L-H$$ty to moi) and allow them a safe route to Costa Rica. The Black Cat Owl Ponzi will be up for that. She wants to go home.

Ukrainian necklaces

What she doesn’t know of course is that I’ve enlisted my old friend and O.W.L. colleague Specky Owl (Pulsatrix perspicallata chapmani of Costa Rica) to nab them when they arrive. It’s really a back-up plan in case this plan doesn’t work. It will, of course, but one cannot be too careful as the star operative of O.W.L. I have my reputation to keep up as the masked Crusader of the Skies!

Pulsatrix perspicallata chapmani of Costa Rica

Let’s not forget that, although her real name is Ponzi P-Hootiyeva, when I first met her she went by Purr-fecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo. She’s a flexible double-jointed Owl who used to hang out with the Chechen Twins, her trapeze artist boy-friends. We have history. We had a thing together in Season 2 in a pea-green boat and went to the Moskva Ballet together when I was on a noc mission tasked to go after Horny and P-Hootiy who were in league. Sigh! I bought her a pink Valentina Bear – but she betrayed me and ran off with Horny and the zolotse! Then I discovered she was P-Hootiy’s cross-species daughter. He always was a deviant! Now he’s a monster and wants to take over the Wood and use it for firewood!

Top Left: Dita Von Teese, Top Right: Black Owl

But I digress down the boulevard of broken dreams!

Halie Loren – Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Owl hums nostalgically…….

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)

The Beatles

I once had a girl
Or should I say
She once had me

She showed me her room
Isn’t it good
[Eurasia] Wood

She asked me to stay
And she told me to sit anywhere
So I looked around
And I noticed there wasn’t a chair

I sat on a rug
Biding my time
Drinking her wine

We talked until two
And then she said
“It’s time for bed”

She told me she worked in the morning
And started to laugh
I told her I didn’t
And crawled off to sleep in the bath

And when I awoke
I was alone
This bird had flown

So I lit a fire
Isn’t it good
[Eurasia] Wood

Apologies to John Lennon & Paul McCartney

The Beatles – Norwegian Wood (Lennon/McCartney)

Owl: Oh memories….aren’t they a bitch! But it was a long time ago and I’m happy now with my precious Belle Époque and my young’uns Leafy Green and the Other One, ummm, can’t quite recall the name…..embarrassing!

Anyhoo, I’m nearly good to go but I just need one other cunning plan to lure the enemy further out from the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞 and lull it into a false sense of security. I’ll have to consult my best strategist – me!


I’ve got it! Watch and learn about Combined Arms Operations, owlets (O.W.L. interns) and senior O.W.L. know-it-alls!

Owl to Ponzi, Owl to Ponzi (hooting loudly)

Cut to Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞

Ponzi: What have you done to us, Owl, you fiendish fool?

Owl: Hello, ma chatte. Looking good. I have no idea what you’re hissing about. I just came by to see if you wanted to negotiate your way out of Hell🔥♨️🔞? I thought you might want to be queen of the South again.

Ponzi (suspiciously): We’re already out of Hell🔥♨️🔞. We’re just mysteriously stuck. What’s in it for you, Owl, you freaky-feathered titwit?

Owl: I hoped you might tell me, my dear. I’m open to excellent offers. A deal is so much nicer than…..the alternative, don’t you think?

Horny Owl: Jealous are we, Owl? A life doing good for the Wood isn’t good enough for you? I must say I’ve been very pleased with my dear Ponzi. Such a clever one. It’s the cat in her I think.

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Greg Hume – Own work

Owl: No, Horny, she just isn’t as thick as you. I mean, her ear tufts aren’t as thick as yours, my flossy-feathered frenemy!

Lucy: What the devil are you up to, Owl? You knew this day would come. You just didn’t pay me enough to keep guarding them. Tell you what, you can have a tiny percentage of the L-Hooty. There’s quite a lot of nuts so that will be a lot. A few bags.…..

Owl: Done.

Ponzi (suspiciously): Why so fast, Owl? I thought you would have a longer negotiation like you usually do?

Owl (yawning): I’m bored with this gig. I need to get home to my lovely lady-wife Belle before she runs back to the Folies Bergère. You never met her did you, Ponzi? We have two young-uns now, you know. New O.W.L. recruits. Very proud. Good flyers both of them.

Auguste RenoirBal du moulin de la Galette, 1876, oil on canvas, 131 × 175 cm, Musée d’Orsay

Horny: Ok, Ok, we can’t stand around wasting time squawking. Help yourself to a few sacks. Make it 10. Have you got a humanoid to drag them for you?

Owl: Never you mind, Horny. I see your famous Royal Horniness didn’t amount to much. Ponzi didn’t fancy having your owlets then?

To Ponzi: Too late to tempt you to join O.W.L. and run a class on Manipulation, Lying, Conning & General Dirty Tricks?

Ponzi: Shut up, Owl. Let’s go, boys! The ride is waiting. We’re going First Class, Owl. Enjoy your miserable life. May it be nasty, brutish & short!

Exeunt with slaves from Hell🔥♨️🔞dragging the nuts.

Cut to a clearing nearby where Owl’s Brigade Combat Team has gathered – some turkeys are gathering with coyotes, foxes, wild cats and some trained rats. An Air Farce of Godzilla Drone, Blue Jay Jets, Gipsy Hawks and Jayhawks are overhead along with ZEL’s Ural Owls. They have ordnance in the shape of very large Ostrich Eggs.

Top Left: Evgeniy Nesterenko Сharacter Artist/Concept Artist/2D Artist, Kiev, Ukraine

Top Middle: Faberge Egg; Top Right: Ural Owl

Bottom Left: Godzilla Drone; Bottom Right: Old West Invitational Turkey Shoot, Wyoming

Owl to Team: Now hear this! ZEL has some words for you all. After all, we’re here for him and his Lost Paradise to stop the Bad Owls from destroying our Habitat! ZEL….

ZEL: Greetings, All! I’m not going to mince my words. They would be inedible. It’s going to be a Turkey Shoot! We’re going to unravel the Cartel and save the Wood!

Here is the Order of the Day.

NEXT TIME: It’s O-Day! The Owls & Creatures of the Wood Rise Up and Attack!

Click here Meet the Cast of Characters of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.

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Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

Ukrainian owl painting by Olena Skytsiuk

🦉SEASON 13, Chapter Four of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH the World Wide Wood (www.) Counteroffensive Is Ready To Go; Owl Is Doing Shaping Ops; Horny, the Great Horned Owl, Cat-Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo dell’Inferno, Are Scoping Escape Terrain Outside Hell🔥♨️🔞For Their Getaway; Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy, His Other Cross-Species Daughter From Another Mother, the White Gyrfalcon Poppy P-Hootiyeva, & His Long-Lost Brother-in-Crime L-H$$ty Are Planning To Stash Nut Cartel Loot In Untraceable Trees Down Costa Rica Way; ZEL is the Wild Card!🌴

Owl of O.W.L. Hola mes confreres, consoeurs, saboteurs, agitateurs, conspirateurs, collaborateurs, compétiteurs, and all rêveurs out there!

The Rat Trap

Morepork Owl – New Zealand

I’ve gone dark lately because I’ve been told by The Owlettes, my bosses at O.W.L. (temporary only before I take over) not to squawk about the Top Secret Op to take down the P-Hootiy Cartel Gang of Six. They’re converging at the Gates of Hell 🔥♨️🔞and plan to fly to Costa Rica to stage a takeover of the World Wide Wood (www.). Can’t allow that! No! My life’s work would go down the tree pellet-lavee. That’s French for évacuation.

The Owlettes, Directors of O.W.L.

The Rat King*

*The Rat King morphed into L-H$$ty, the twin Brother-in-Crime of Cartel Tzar P-Hootiy

(Left to Right) Top: Eurasian Eagle Owl P-Hootiy; Partners-in-Crime, P-Hootiy & Horny Owls; Ponzi, the Cat-Owl

Middle: Avatar of Ponzi; Poppy P-Hootiyeva, the White Gyrfalcon; Poppy’s Avatar

Bottom: ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capi Dell’Inferno; another avatar disguise of Poppy

So, I’ve been setting rat traps across the terrain and preparing a flexible Combined Arms Operation comprising of an Air Farce of Blue Jay Jets, Gipsy Hawks and Jayhawks, the Ural Owls of the AI ZEL with large Ostrich Eggs, and a ground force of Jensen June Bugs, and commissioned Coyotes, Foxes & Wildcats, in order to encircle them as they exit the Hot Place. It’s nearly ready which means its already underway. I’m counting on a few carefully-placed leaks and disinformation to misdirect the enemy!

Evgeniy Nesterenko Сharacter Artist/Concept Artist/2D Artist

Kiev , Ukraine

Cut to Hell🔥♨️🔞where Horny et al. are preparing to escape. Horny is giving Ponzi and Lucy a last-minute pep talk that has been going on for 2 hours.

Horny: So finally remember, my friends. Hell🔥♨️🔞 is only a mental construct and we can use our great minds to think ourselves out of our trap. In the words of the great strategist Occam and his Razor which may give you some abductive heuristic comfort: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. I learned this from Owl.

Here, I have a nice diagram.

Schematic diagram of the Principle of Occam’s Razor

*Occams Razor: ‘Occam’s razor is a law of parsimony popularly stated as (in William’s words) “Plurality must never be posited without necessity”. Alternatively, as a heuristic, it can be viewed as, when there are multiple hypotheses to solve a problem, the simpler one is to be preferred’.

Lucy (crossly): Get on with it, you great big simple-minded waffler, Horny. You’ve been ranting and raving for hours. Get real! Your philosophy application is a big fail so far so STFU!

This is what’s going to happen. We’ll peek out of the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞to see if the enemy is there. If Owl and his mates are anywhere to be seen, we’ll run in the opposite direction. It’s called a tactical retreat* in military strategy. Very well-known. Works 10% of the time.

* “They are extremely powerful, and quite frankly we haven’t a snowflake’s chance in Vulcan’s forge of winning. I suggest a *cough* tactical advance away from the enemy!”

— Roman General, Rome: Total War in

Horny (horrified): Ten percent??? You need to get out more, Lucy!

Ponzi (laughing): Ridiculous odds, dude! No, I have a better idea. We’ll have a parley and do a deal. I know Owl extremely well. Ever since we travelled to Eurasia together in a pea-green boat, he’s eaten out of my claws. I’ll offer him a tidy cut of the L-ooty to let us pass to Costa Rica.

Horny (irritated): But that was many moons ago, Ponzi, you little schemer. Owl has put the past behind him ever since you gave him the flick.

Ponzi (impatiently): Let’s try it my way. If peace negotiations don’t work we can always scarper. In any event, they will delay Owl while we think of a better plan.

Horny and Lucy (dubiously): Well, OK then. It’s on you, my dear. I hope your wings are fit. It’s a long flight.

Ponzi (smiling): You always underestimate me, boys.

Cut to ZEL’s hideout

ZEL: As planned, I’ve woven a magical illusion that makes P-Hootiy, L-H$$tiy believe they have already escaped. This illusion is so convincing that P-Hootiy & “The Loot” believe they are free and won’t attempt to escape again. But I’m using my renown charm to attempt to turn Poppy as she’s a good flyer, has a good head for figures, and might just be useful in my resurrected Paradise.

Cut to Owl and Team now at the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞courtesy the Wind Tunnel

(powered by Rocket Owl© ℗®™ )

Owl to O.W.L. : Owl to O.W.L. over. Owl to O.W.L. over. I’m here on the ground with my Brigade Combat Team doing terrain shaping operations. I’m encircling Hell🔥♨️🔞with more forces, enablers and JADC2. I’ve got some good situational awareness going on. Over.

O.W.L. Command & Control Tree: Say again! We can’t hear you, Owl. Turn up your OTT (Owl Twitter Transmission).

Owl (squawking loudly): Tutti frutti, Hootie-Cuties! I’m here on the ground with my Brigade Combat Team doing terrain shaping operations. I’m encircling Hell🔥♨️🔞with more forces, enablers and JADC2. I’ve got some good situational awareness going on. Over. Is that better?

O.W.L.: Too loud and clear! Now hear this. This is The Owlettes. We’ve warned you before, Owl, to give up the ‘cutie’ stuff!

Owl: Sorry, Mesdames. I’m in training. All is good to go here on the ground. I now have my magical chain ready to bind Horny, Ponzi & Lucy to the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞. I’ve enchanted the chain to grow stronger the further they try to move away making it impossible for them to escape. I can’t take full credit for the idea as I consulted my new Oracle Chatbot GPT-4 which generated several options. I chose Number 2, the old finger trap trick. It’s now time to lure Horny, Ponzi & Lucy out of Hell🔥♨️🔞. I’ll con them with the idea they can escape with impunity so they get careless.

Data stuck in a Chinese finger trap

To Self: I wonder how Ponzi is doing these days. It’s a great pity she took the flight path she did. In another life I would have liked her to join O.W.L. to run a class on Manipulation, Lying, Conning & General Dirty Tricks. Sadly, she went bad! You can take a girl out of the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel, but you can’t take P-Hootiy out of a girl! But we’ll always have the pea-green boat! Sigh!

Edward Lear, illustration for “The Owl and the Pussycat”

Next Time: All Hell 🔥♨️🔞breaks loose!

Click here Meet the Cast of Characters of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is eyes-1283163_1920-1.webp
Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

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Ukrainian owl painting by Olena Skytsiuk

🦉SEASON 13, Chapter Three of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – IN WHICH the Battle for the World Wide Wood (www.) is Underway, Owl Has a Plan to Set a Rat Trap for Horny, the Great Horned Owl, Cat-Owl Ponzi P-Hootiyeva & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo dell’Inferno.🔥♨️🔞Will ZEL Prevent the Escape of Blood Brothers P-Hootiy & L-H$$tiy & Poppy P-Hootiyeva With the Nut Cartel Loot?

Batkivshchyna Matir -Ukrainian’s aerial photo wins international prize

Kyiv photographer Sergey Ristenko, has won a People’s Choice Prize in the international SkyPixel Aerial Photograph

Kyiv Post, March 22, 2019, 7:28pm:

Story So Far………..

Owl has delivered the main strategic adversaries of the World Wide Wood (www.), the Eurasian Eagle Owl twin blood brothers P-Hootiy & L-H$$ty (‘The Loot’ the former Ex-Tsar Rat) & Poppy P-Hootiyeva to AI ZEL for ‘safekeeping’ in the Lost-About-To-Be-Regained-Paradise.

Rat King by Alexander Shatohin on

ZEL, highly-skilled in the art of magical combat, has selected the best way to stop P-Hootiy, ‘The Loot’ & Poppy P-Hootiyeva escaping his custody and is informing Owl over the OTT (Owl Twitter Transmission).

President of Ukraine Volodomyr Zelenskiyy (aka AI ZEL)

ZEL: Is that you, Owl my friend? Can you hear me?

Owl (squawking loudly): Not really, ZEL, my compadre. Twiddle your knob!!

ZEL: Say again!

Owl: Fiddle with it!

ZEL: Can’t hear you, Owl.

Owl: Give me strength, Moon Goddess! Put your hand on your knob and twist!!!!

ZEL: Ahhh, that’s better. How are you my friend? I’ve made my choice amongst the excellent ideas you generated. I’m going to go with Number 4: create a magical illusion that makes P-Hootiy, L-H$$tiy & Poppy believe they have already escaped. This illusion could be so convincing that P-Hootiy & “The Loot” believe they are free and don’t attempt to escape again.

Note: Owl’s Ideas Courtesy Chatbot GPT-4

Left to Right: Eurasian Eagle Owls P-Hootiy, L-H$$ty (in disguise as Ex-Tsar Rat), White Gyrfalcon Poppy (aka Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva ), Avatar of Poppy

Mind-twisting Optical Illusion by Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak

Bored Panda

Owl: I like it. But could they be sprung by others?

ZEL: What others? Aren’t you going to net Horny Owl, Ponzi & ‘Lucy’ Lucifer? No pressure!

Owl: Well, I am O.W.L.’s star covert operative. It’s just another day at the O.W.L. Tree Oriface! So, I guess alles will be in ordnung when claw meets wing, and Hell🔥♨️🔞freezes over.

Tree trunk with hole (aka O.W.L. Tree Oriface)

ZEL: Mmm, does not quite compute, but anyway I have another question: Where are the rest of the ordnance and Blue Jay Jets O.W.L. promised? My Ural Owls need back-up when it goes down. There are still some of those Hooded Crows flying around. We didn’t manage to get them all to crash. And I’ll need more large Ostrich Eggs to bomb them with.

Ordnance: Russian Brass Imperial Presentation Easter Egg. Late 19th century

Owl: That may be tricky, but I’m working hard on it. There are manufacturing problems and…….and, lots of excuses from O.W.L., frankly. The Parish Council is causing issues. The Owlettes (Joint Chiefs of O.W.L.) are doing their best but….look I’ll get on the Twitter and have another go.

Hooded Crow – Pinterest

Blue Jays and Ordnance

Cut to O.W.L. HQ where The Owlettes are Zooming around with old fogie members of the Parish Council.

The Owlettes

Member of The Parish Council

Has overall governance of the World Wide Wood (www.); made up of old fogie owls

Image: Reconstruction of the Giant Ground OwlOrnimegalonyx oteroi, of Pleistocene Cuba, with the carcass of a large solenodon.

The Owlettes: Esteemed Sirs, give us what we ask for or else we’ll resign from O.W.L. and Owl will be in charge.

The Parish Council (unanimously): Done!

Back to Owl

The Owlettes: They said yes.

Owl: Wow! How did you manage that?

The Owlettes: Never you mind! They’ll be arriving shortly.

Back to ZEL

Ural Owl

Owl: It’s a go! Rev up those Ural Owls of yours and put them on stand-by. Do your magic on Hoots and Loots and their Loot!

The Three Stooges

I’m going to lure the Three Stooges, Horny, Ponzi & Lucy out of Hell!🔥♨️🔞I’ll make them believe they can escape with impunity so they get careless. I’ll use Number 2, the old finger trap trick: a magical chain that binds Horny, Ponzi & Lucy to outside the Gates of Hell🔥♨️🔞. I’ll enchant the chain to grow stronger the further they try to move away making it impossible for them to escape.

Rogues Gallery: Horny, the Great Horned Owl, Avatar of Ponzi P-Hootiyeva (alias Purr-fecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo), Ponzi the Cat-Owl, Getaway car of ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capo Dell-Inferno with headlights on, Lucy in flight, Hell🔥♨️🔞

Chain with Birds and Geometric Motifs | Kyivan Rus’ | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Chains, called riazni, were created from small cloisonné enamel medallions. The chains may have joined layers of dress, been worn as necklaces or bracelets, or used to suspend circular or crescent-shaped pendants known as temple pendants or kolti. Rus’ women wore temple pendants in pairs, suspended beside the face, at the temple, as part of their elaborate headdress.

Next Week: The Battle for the World Wide Wood (www.) Counteroffensive Begins in Earnest

Click here Meet the Cast of Characters of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.

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Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

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Ukrainian owl painting by Olena Skytsiuk

🦉SEASON 13, Chapter Two of ‘The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L.’ – IN WHICH the Final Offensive of the Battle of the World Wide Wood (www.) Commences When Owl Consults the Oracle for a Plan to Prevent the Escape of Bros-In-Crime P-Hootiy & L-H$$tiy & His Cross-Species Daughter Poppy P-Hootiyeva, CEO of P-Hootiy’s Nut Cartel, & Capture Scheming Ponzi the Cat -Owl, His Other Cross-Species Daughter From Another Mother, Horny, The Great Horned Owl & “Lucy’ Lucifer, Capo dei Capi dell’Inferno🔥♨️🔞

The Zaparozhye Cossacks Writing a Mocking Letter to the Turkish Sultan *oil on canvas *358 × 203 cm *signed b.c.: И.Репин 1880-91

Story So Far………..

🦉Owl of O.W.L. has been getting ready for the Big Battle by taking some time out to recharge in his hammock at an undisclosed location. 🌳🍹

Taking on the Capo dei Capi di Inferno🔥♨️🔞 requires claws of steel, fresh ocular acuity and insight, and cunning brain-box plotting. His 270 degree head swivel has also needed some physio.

In short, Owl’s a bit of a wreck……. so he says.

🦉🦉But the Joint Chiefs of O.W.L. The Owlettes (temporary according to Owl) know their star covert operative very well and don’t believe a word of it! They’ve been on his case since his return from capturing P-Hootiy and L-Hootiy (the former Ex-Tsar Rat) the twin Eurasian Eagle Owls in league to take over the Wood, and P’s cross-species daughter the White Gyrfalcon Poppy P-Hootiyeva, the CEO of the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel.

The Owlettes

Left: Eurasian Eagle Owl in threat posture; Right: Morepork Owl

L-Hootiy, P-Hootiy’s interchangeable twin bro, in drag as Ex-Tsar Rat

White Gyrfalcon Poppy (Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva) and Avatars

Owl’s gift of a Fabergé Egg from the Ex-Tsarina’s bathroom seemed to gratify The Owlettes for a while, but now they’re pushing for him to do some boring stuff – arrange supplies, plan logistics, organise back-up and develop a foolproof plan to take down Horny and the Big One Capo ‘Lucy’ Lucifer. They’re joking that it needs to be foolproof against Owl himself!

Tsarina of Russia’s Fabergé Eggs

Because Horny Owl, the infamous Great Horned Owl, has reared his ugly head again. He’s festering to get out of Hell🔥♨️🔞 obscurity with his lover Ponzi the Cat Owl, P-Hootiy’s other cross-species daughter from another mother. He’s itching to get back to relevance again and spring P-Hootiy and Poppy from captivity so he can get a cut of the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel.

Horny The Great Horned Owl in all his garish glory

‘Lucy’ Lucifer with headlights on

(Image: De Tomaso reveals P72 supercar at goodwood festival)

Mood Board of Avatars of ‘Ponzi’ P-Hootiyeva (alias Purr-fecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo), Mistress of Disguise

🔔To cap it all off, Little Owl Belle Époque, Owl’s long-suffering mate, has been nudging him with her beak to take care of the owlets while she has a mini-break in the South Seas. Owl has a lot on but he just wants to lie in his hammock, fly aimlessly and sit and stare at the moon.

Owl’s mate: Little Owl (Athene noctua)

Avatars of The Little Owl, Owl’s mate

Left: Paul Helleu “Mademoiselle Vaughan”, 1905 (France, Post-Impressionism, 20th cent.) Paul Helleu was a Belle Epoque artist (1859 -1927).

Right: 1897ca – Folies- Bergere La Loie Fuller artist Jules Cheret

Motivation is hard to come
by, but there’s an incentive being dangled in front of him…….

Owl and the Moon: vishnu vijayan from Pixabay 

The Owlettes have offered him a bonus if he saves the Wood and nets its main strategic adversaries. As Owl is the top covert operative of O.W.L. already, any bonus would have to be substantial, so substantial in fact that Owl has BIG $ signs blinking in his large globes.

But no, something even more enticing has been dangled like a fat juicy rat in front of him by The Owlettes:

Fat Rat by Phraggle on DeviantArt

The Director-Generalship of O.W.L. (Owl Woo Woo unLimited) itself!!

Owl has long wanted to run the sh*t-show that is O.W.L. since Brown Owl turned traitor and now cracks rocks in the Great Plain of Hooting. He knows that The Owlettes, with their former legend as his scooby-doo-wah-hoo-hoo back-up singers, are better as field operatives rather than in admin. They were his minders when he was a legendary jazz hooter working for O.W.L. secret intelligence, and rescued him when he got into trouble trouble-shooting for The Firm (which was frequently!). He enjoyed their rude banter, but now they’re his bosses they’re no fun anymore. He thinks it’s brought out an unattractive bossy streak in them. On the other hand, The Owlettes know Owl is an unreconstructed chauvinist owl who liked taking all the credit for the success of the missions.

Avatar of Disgraced Brown Owl, ex-D-G of O.W.L. turned traitor to the Wood; Image: 1920’s Flapper

The Owlettes: What say you, Owl? If you pull this gig off, you can run the show. Will that perk you up?

Owl (suspiciously): Mmmm, tempting. But why? You enjoy your power trip, don’t you? Bossing me around and trying to discipline me? Don’t tell me you’re waving the white flag! This sounds like a set- up to me. Is there some clusterfluck thingee of yours you want me to take the fall for?

The Owlettes: No, not at all! We just enjoy the field more. It’s also lifestyle thing. We want to spend more time in Costa Rica at our spread. We won’t be your back-up singers anymore though, but if you run into trouble we might deign to rescue you if you stop with the “ladies” and “girlies”. Remember, however, that if you don’t stop, the Parish Council of the Wood will re-appoint us, Deal?

Avatars of The Owlettes when Owl’s back-up singers

Owl: Deal, mesdames.

Owl (to self): Mmm, that’s a 270 degree turnaround! I wonder if being D-G of O.W.L. is a poisoned chalice? I’ll consult the Oracle. Wait, that’s me!!

Oracle Owl

Owl to Oracle: I have a query.

Fake Oracle to Owl : What is it, my boy?

Soviet Robot Posters

Owl: Cut the crap! It’s ME, Owl, the star covert operative of O.W.L. (Owl Woo Woo unLimited) ! I don’t get fooled by amateurs! Get lost!

I need a plan. I always need a plan but I never follow it. What am I going to do with all my prisoners when I capture them? Let’s see, there’s P-Hootiy and the Ex-Tsar Rat, his twin L-H$$ty (“The Loot”), of course. I can give them to the AI ZEL in the Lost-About-To-Be-Regained Paradise to keep watch over 24/7.

ZEL Lensky and The Lost-About-To-Be-Regained Paradise

But P-Hootiy is an escapologist. How to stop them from escaping custody again?

I know! These guardians could be skilled in the art of magical combat and could be enchanted with spells to prevent any physical attacks against them.

They could use a magical chain that binds P-Hootiy & L-H$$tiy to a specific location. The chain could be enchanted to grow stronger the further they try to move away from their location, making it impossible for them to escape. It’s the old fingertrap trick.

Zel & Co. could use a powerful curse to prevent P-Hootiy et al. from escaping. This curse could be tied to a specific location, making it impossible for him to leave the area without suffering extreme physical pain or other negative consequences.

He could create a magical illusion that makes P-Hootiy & L-H$$tiy believe they have already escaped. This illusion could be so convincing that P-Hootiy & “The Loot” believe they are free and don’t attempt to escape again.

He could enchant the walls of their cell with a spell that prevents any form of teleportation or magical transportation. This would make it impossible for them to use any magical means to escape from custody.

I’ve thought of everything!

But Owl hasn’t quite…..

Owl’s ideas courtesy of ChatBot GPT4

Next Time: Owl plans the capture of ‘Lucy’ Lucifer, Horny, the Great Horned Owl, and Ponzi the Cat-Owl from Hell🔥♨️🔞!

Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.

Ukrainian owl painting by Olena Skytsiuk

🦉SEASON 13 Chapter One of The Classified Adventures of Owl of O.W.L. – in which the Battle of the World Wide Wood (www.) Commences & Owl Races Against His Main Strategic Adversary Nut Cartel Boss P-Hootiy, the Eurasian Eagle Owl, and His Cross-Species Daughter “Poppy”, the White Gyrfalcon, To Capture Ex-Tsar Rat & Save the Lost Paradise of St. ZEL


The Memory of Azov (or the Azova Egg) is a jewelled Easter egg made under the supervision of the Russian jeweller Peter Carl Fabergé in 1891 for Tsar Alexander III of Russia. It was presented by Alexander III as an Easter gift to his wife, the Tsarina Maria Feodorovna. It is currently held in the Kremlin Armoury Museum in Moscow. (WIKIPEDIA)

Story So Far………..

Owl of O.W.L. has been been building his strength in his family nest after his epic takedown of the main strategic adversary of the World Wide Wood (www.) and his nemesis P-Hootiy and his other cross-species daughter from another mother Ponzi the Cat Owl (Purrfecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo). However, he has unfinished business with her faux-twin “Poppy” the White Gyrfalcon (Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva), the CEO and accountant of the P-Hootiy Nut Cartel. She slipped out of her tethers and absconded and Owl has been saving her for a rainy day. He’s had a pretty good reunion with his mate the Little Owl Belle Époque and their eldest Leafy Green with the result being their newest owlet Anastasiya Oleksandra.

New Zealand Morepork Owl (ruru)

Baby Morepork by carterr on DeviantArt

But now he’s back to work after a few halcyon weeks in his hammock while Belle Époque did all the work. He’s had a wake up call on his OTT (O.W.L. Twitter Transmission) from The Owlettes, his former Scooby Doo-Wah back-up ladies and now the joint chiefs of O.W.L. (temporary of course while the Parish Council finds a male).

The Owlettes: We thought so! Get off your fluffy ar*e and get moving. P-Hootiy’s escaped again! He sought a meeting with ZEL in West Eurasia Wood to discuss his prison conditions and negotiate his release and when ZEL said no, he broke out using his beak and claws and the help of a gaoler he bribed who opened the door. He’s on the lam and rendezvousing with Poppy at an undisclosed location. Our spies tell us they’re going to do a break-out of Tsar Rat who’s in a cage at the Ex-Tsarina’s palatial nest.

P-Hootiy the Eurasian Eagle Owl (Image: Pinterest)

SLIDESHOW: Avatar Poppy P-Hootiyeva; White GyreFalcons (Images: Pinterest)

The Owlettes, Joint Chiefs of O.W.L.

Owl: Why don’t they just eat him?

The Owlettes: It’s complicated. He’s not really a rat. Well, he is a rat but just not the edible sort. He’s in disguise. He’s a Eurasian Eagle Owl called L-Hootiy, a twin of P-Hootiy and another member of the P-Hootiy Crime Family. Twins run in the family. Very handy for deception ops. He’s been undercover for the Nut Cartel as the Tsar of the Rats of Russkiland in East Eurasia Wood until the rat nobles kicked him out for stealing all their nuts. He’s now an Ex-Tsar in league with his twin P-Hootiy to take over the Wood.

Owl: Why haven’t I heard of him before?

The Owlettes: Well, he keeps a low profile. He did time for harassing a female owl statue up north somewhere and was sent to therapy jail. His therapists decided he was obsessive and incurable so they left him to rot in a cage underground. He’s hidden his shame by masquerading as a rat in a rat costume. He’s had a difficult time of it as the nobles decided to rid themselves of him for good, so they gave him to his ex the Ex-Tsarina to keep as a pet rat in a cage.

Alina Babaeva, partner of Vladimir Putin (Pinterest)

Owl: Harrumph. Poor baby. So wheres her palatial nest?

The Owlettes: The residence is located at 44°25′08″N 38°12′18″E / 44.419°N 38.205°E / 44.419; 38.205 on Cape Idokopas, near the village of Praskoveyevka on the Black Sea coast near GelendzhikKrasnodar Krai, Russkiland, East Eurasian Wood. Post Code is Zero. There’s a no-fly zone around it but we reckon you’ll be able to get through, Owl. Make sure you get there first before P-Hootiy and Poppy!

Putin’s Palace

Owl: What’s in it for me, girlies?

The Owlettes: Less time before an O.WL. special tribunal for workplace harassment. And a bonus holiday with the wife and sprogs.

Owl: Done. You can forget about the tribunal though, ladies.

The Owlettes: Fluck off, Owl, before we pluck your funky feathers. And bring US back a Fabergé egg this time. Yes, we know about the one you stole and gave to Belle last time. We’re undergoing immaculate conception (IVF) and need a container. So, those are our instructions, Owl. You can fluck off now.

SLIDESHOW: Fabergé Eggs: Memory of Azov Egg (Stan Shebs); The Moscow Kremlin egg, 1906.

Cut to Ex-Tsarina’s palatial nest Somewhere in Eurasia Wood. L-Hootiy (alias Tsar Rat) is being intermittently harangued and starved by his ex who enjoys tossing the occasional nut into his cage and watching him scramble for it. She’s got a little gymnastic game going. Whenever L-ootiy misses catching a nut mid-air he gets time out and must repeat, “I am a weak Ex-Tsar. I am a loser. I don’t deserve to live in a palace. I’m very sorry I landed on the Little Mermaid inappropriately.”

Ex-Tsar Rat (Image: Pinterest)

Meanwhile, P-Hootiy and Poppy have rendezvoused at their Nut Cartel HQ the Casa Del Búho in the Costa Del Búho.

Polina Olga Pheodora P-Hootiyeva (“Poppy”) avatar of the White Gyrfalcon

P-Hootiy: We need to take off soon. I’ll bet that Owl is not far behind. O.W.L. has spies everywhere.

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Poppy: Just wait, Dada. Don’t interrupt me when I’m adding up. OK, we’re still in the black although you’re going to have to increase production. Those distributers are taking too big a cut. And you’re going to have to cut down on imported rats.

P-Hootiy: Me? Cut down? Don’t be mean, my dear. I’m the strategic brains of this outfit. You’re just the nut counter.

Poppy: Now who’s being mean. OK, done. Looking good. The harvest is going to be a good one this year and if we can get L-Hootiy back on the job, we’ll be able to afford to finally do a hostile takeover of the Wood. Vamos! Davayte dvigat’sya!

Cut To O.W.L.’s Wind Tunnel rocket launch pad (powered by Rocket Owl ®🚀) where at the same time Owl is revving his hypersonic feathers.

Wind Tunnel: Fan blades of Langley Research Center‘s 16 foot transonic wind tunnel in 1990, before it was retired in 2004

Owl: This is going to be a close competition. But I have hypersonic feathers. They have poor C2, C&C, and a badly-decorated C-Suite.

I’ve sent out a mass O.W.L. mobilisation order via The Owlettes. This is going to be a firecracker‼️

Let the Battle for the World Wide Wood begin‼️

First we take Ex-Tsar Rat, then we take P-Hootiy and Poppy!

Hyperlink Courtesy YouTube: Leonard Cohen, First We Take Manhattan. Then We Take Berlin!

Meantime at the Casa Del Búho P-Hootiy and Poppy are arguing again. Poppy wants to take off straightaway but P-Hootiy wants to wait for back-up. He’s put out an OTT to what’s left of the imperial eagle owls of East Eurasia Wood and the Hooded Crows. He wants to please his master Ex-Tsar Rat and arrive in style.

Hooded Crow (Corvax corus)

Their argument is getting the attention of O.W.L.’s contractor spies the Blue Jet Jays and ZEL Lenskiy’s crack Ural Owls.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy of Ukraine in heroic mode

Ural Owl

Blue Jay Leader: Dickwoody

They are reporting back to O.W.L. Comms via the O.W.L. Twitter Transmission (OTT).

Ural Owl Leader Dmitry: Come in O.W.L. HQ, Come in O.W.L. HQ. This is Ural Owl Leader Dmitry.

Position Eurasia Wood, N1234, outbound over BUHO at 1645, Flight Level 370, Estimating DIABO at 1730, THNDR next

Come in. We have intelligence.

O.W.L. Comms: We knew that. What’s up?

Dmitry: We have coordinates on P-Hootiy and Poppy P-Hootiyeva at the Casa Del Búho. Taking off direction East Eurasia Wood XTSAR.

O.W.L. Comms: Roger that. Shadow them with transponder silent. Owl is on his way.

Cut to Owl who has arrived hypersonically via the Wind Tunnel (powered by Rocket Owl ®🚀) at coordinates 44°25′08″N 38°12′18″E / 44.419°N 38.205°E / 44.419; 38.205 and hidden in a nearby tree. He is scanning the terrain using his 270 degree head swivel (hyperlink courtesy National Geographic).

Owl: Where’s my exfiltration team? Slowcoaches! OK, incoming.

Suddenly with a silent swoosh a flight of Special Ops Owls arrive with binoculars, warm furry hats and claw-ware.

Spectacled Owls (Pulsatrix perspicillata); Nunes D’Acosta. Location: Brazil.

Specky the Spec. Ops Leader: We picked up your APB, Owl, lets get the rat!

Owl: Not so fast, Specs, we need to wait for P-Hootiy and Poppy to arrive. We’ll do one swoop and net them all together. Aha, not far behind. I have a plan.

Cut to Ex-Tsar Rat and the Ex-Tsarina’s palatial nest where the Ex-Tsar Rat is trying to get his rat costume off without the Ex-Tsarina noticing. He’s asked her to get some more zombie radioactive rats ☢️🐀

for him to chew on and he knows he will only have a small slice of time to knaw through the bars with his extremely sharp Eurasian Eagle Owl beak. He’s desperate to extricate himself fast so he can rendezvous with P-Hootiy and Poppy and make his getaway.

The Nutcracker and the Mouse King , Sergey Ka (Pinterest)

Cut to P-Hootiy and Poppy who have battled poor old-school avionics, and poor logistical support to slog their way through head winds to the nest where Ex-Tsar Rat is supposed to be waiting.

Little do they know that Tsar has finally got his kit off and the Ex-Tsarina has returned. She is not pleased at the sight of a Eurasian Eagle Owl glaring at her. She flings the rats away and warns him that escaping is not an option. The traitors on the Parish Council of the World Wide Wood (www.) have told her that if she allows the Ex-Tsar to escape she will forfeit her palatial nest.

Owl meanwhile has observed the landing of P-Hootiy and Poppy. His Blue Jay jets and the flight of Ural Owls are keeping a high altitude and tabs on what’s happening on the ground in readiness in case they’re needed by Owl.

Owl is making silent claw movements to Spec. Ops Leader Specky to advance.

Suddenly, P-Hootiy and Poppy wake up to the presence of Owl! Poppy hangs back out of sight.

P-Hootiy: So we meet again, Owl. After the Rat too, I see. He’s mine!

Specky to P-Hootiy: Hold it right there! Kneel and claws out where I can see them!

Owl (stealthily tracking Poppy): Hello, my dear. I thought I might find you hiding in the bushes. You white falcons are no good against owls, are you?

White Gyrfalcon (Pinterest)

Poppy (gracefully squawking): Ok, Owl. Fair cop. Let’s do a deal. L-ootiy (aka Ex-Tsar Rat) and I are the only ones that have the codes to the L-ooty. We don’t mind sharing. 80:20 in our favour. How about it?

Owl: Sadly, Popsicle, you’re in no position to bargain, my dear. I have 2 flights of Ural Owl F-22 Raptors and Blue Jay Jets above us monitoring you and your Dada. It will take one tweet from me to launch a large Ostrich Egg 2.0K in your direction and one in the direction of P-Hoots.

Poppy: You are a cruel owl, Owl.

White Gyrfalcon (Pinterest)

Owl: No crueler than you, Popsy. You must learn to grow up and not rely on your evil Dada.

Poppy: He relies on me, you fool!

Owl to P-Hootiy: What say you, P-Hootiy, you old but not wise owl?

P-Hootiy: 🤬😠😡😒👿

Owl: Nice, Poots. Great work, team! I’m off to get a Fabergé Egg from the Ex-Tsarina’s bathroom now to take back to The Owlettes.

Remember, the Battle for the World Wide Wood (www.) has just begun. Out there still are traitor Horny Owl and his ammorata Ponzi the Cat Owl down in Hell 🔞☠️♨️in the care of their double-talking friend “Lucy” Lucifer, Il Capo Dei Capi Di Inferno. Paying him off is expensive and he’s an unreliable gaoler. It’s a complicated life being a star covert operative for O.W.L.!

Next Time: It’s payback time!

Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava! 💙💛

Ukraine countryside

Ukrainian Flag

Fabergé Imperial Egg

Pamela’s Avatar
Venezia flame-feathered Colombina mask from the Commoedia Del’Arte

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland.She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, tango, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

👁All images used are from Wikipedia, Pixabay, Pexels and Pinterest under a Creative Commons Licence.


Statue of Berehynia, the female spirit, in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), Kyiv, Ukraine